Welcome to Agile-Enterprise Group, LLC

Agility means evolving strategically and proactively
      with each major shift or change in the environment.

Is your nonprofit organization feeling totally chaotic?
Are managers and staff continuously in conflict?
Is your governing board confused about their roles?
Is your nonprofit concerned about losing their leadership position?
Does continuous change cause employees to lose productivity?
Can you afford to keep going without more resources?
Have your teams lost their direction? Are they agile?

Agile-Enterprise Group will help you customize the design of:

- Innovative team processes to help teams adapt to chaos,

- Attention Structures that focus on new directions,

- Board Governance strategies that develop cohesion and decision-making capabilities,

- A leader-full climate for improved team leadership,

- A resource vision and marketing plan to increase funding,

- Opportunities For Improvement Goals (OFIs) to match performance with expectations,

- Agile-Design Strategies for the quality and productivity improvements you require.